Day 1 Event:
IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA) Workshop on Rural Connectivity provides an opportunity to deep dive into the policies, infrastructures, applications, use cases, standardization and open source efforts that are gaining prominence in creating communication infrastructure/ecosystem where not existing as well as improving utilization of such infrastructure/ecosystem where it is already present.
The 6G and beyond network standards will be defined with an overarching theme including connecting the unconnected and ubiquitous connectivity. Today, both wireless (4G/5G/6G) and wired connectivity (FTTX) is gaining traction in the rural areas. The real success in rural areas comes from the right combination of technologies, regulation and policies.
This workshop is geared towards the OEMs, Telecom Operators, System Integrators, Researchers, Regulators and Policy makers working in the area of rural connectivity landscape. It also provides an opportunity to hear and interact with the researchers and experts from around the world who are involved in shaping rural connectivity.
The workshop will host keynote address, invited talks and three panels focusing on:
Day 2 Event:
Rapid Reaction Standardization Activities (RRSA)
Rural Communication Industry Connection Program
The RRSA meeting will give a platform to solicit and discuss new topics and ideas from open-call around Rural Connectivity research that can lead to potential standardization. This meeting will also demonstrate and document the steps necessary to establish an early industry presence in key areas of opportunity that will enable the standards process through IEEE Standards Association.
Bangalore RRSA objective:
For a detailed agenda and schedule click here