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Python Course from Free to Paid – Updated 2024

Python programming
IEEE BLP December 27, 2023

Python Course from Free to Paid – Updated 2024


In the dynamic world of programming, Python stands out as a beacon of versatility and simplicity. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned developer, Python offers a realm of possibilities. This article aims to be your comprehensive guide, shedding light on Python’s landscape, from its basics to advanced applications, and from free resources to premium courses.

What is Python?

Python is an interpreted, high-level general-purpose programming language. Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability, and its syntax allows developers to express concepts in fewer lines than languages like C++ or Java.

Market Size

Python’s surge in popularity is undeniable. As of 2023, it’s not just among the top programming languages; it’s a staple in tech industries, startups, and academic institutions worldwide.

Career in Python Programming

Dive into Python, and doors to various sectors open up. Web development, automation, data analysis, and the frontier fields of AI and ML are all within reach for proficient Python developers.

How to Learn Python: The Free Way

The internet is a treasure trove of free Python resources. Websites like Codecademy, Khan Academy, and FreeCodeCamp offer foundational courses. For those who prefer reading, Python’s official documentation is a thorough resource. Additionally, platforms like Stack Overflow provide community-driven solutions and discussions.

Learn Python the Hard Way

Zed Shaw’s book, “Learn Python the Hard Way,” is a testament to hands-on learning. Through exercises and drills, it offers readers a rigorous journey through Python’s intricacies.

Python for Everyone – The Paid Choice

About the Course

Python for Everyone” is more than just a course; it’s a journey through Python’s vast landscape. Here’s why it stands out:

Comprehensive Curriculum: From basic syntax to advanced modules, the course covers it all.

Real-world Applications: Dive deep into Python’s role in AI, ML, and data science through hands-on projects.

Expert Instructors: Learn from industry veterans with years of Python experience.

Certification: A recognized certification awaits at the end, amplifying your resume.

Considering the tech industry’s demand for Python experts, “Python for Everyone” is your ticket to a promising career.

Best Resources to Learn Python

While the internet is brimming with Python resources, not all are made equal. There are platforms that host courses from top universities and institutions. Books like “Python Crash Course” and “Automate the Boring Stuff with Python” are invaluable for self-learners.

Prerequisites to Learn Python

Learning Python is a delightful journey marked by its accessibility. While previous programming experience can be advantageous, it is by no means obligatory. Python warmly welcomes beginners, primarily requiring a logical mindset and a commitment to learning. Here are the key prerequisites:

  • No Prior Programming Expertise Required: Python’s simplicity makes it perfect for newcomers. 
  • Logical Thinking: A penchant for logical problem-solving enhances your Python learning experience. 
  • Dedication: Consistency and determination are your allies in mastering Python’s versatility.

In essence, Python beckons all enthusiasts with open arms, making it an ideal choice for those ready to embrace a new world of programming possibilities.

Python Courses Near Me

For those who prefer classroom learning, many institutions offer offline Python courses. Cities like Bangalore, Hyderabad, and Pune, known for their IT hubs, have numerous training centers.

Python Developer Salary

A testament to Python’s demand is the attractive salary packages for its developers. In India, a Python developer can earn anywhere between ₹500,000 to ₹1,200,000 annually, depending on experience and expertise.

Why Learn Python?

Python’s syntax simplicity, coupled with its power, makes it a favorite. Its role in emerging technologies like AI and ML further cements its importance in today’s tech landscape.

How Long Does It Take to Learn Python?

The time it takes to learn Python varies based on your background and dedication. While some grasp the basics in a few weeks, others might take a couple of months. With consistent effort, understanding the core concepts within a month is achievable.

Website to Learn Python

There are numerous online platforms where you can learn Python, catering to learners at various levels of expertise. For beginners, you can explore Python courses offered by prestigious universities and institutions such as Google’s Python Class‘s Python Training, Microsoft’s Introduction to Python, and Harvard Online Courses‘ Python offerings. These free programs offer comprehensive and in-depth learning experiences for those seeking to enhance their Python skills, especially in more advanced topics.

Best Book to Learn Python

For those who prefer reading, “Python Crash Course” by Eric Matthes and “Automate the Boring Stuff with Python” by Al Sweigart are highly recommended.

Learn Python Machine Learning

Python is pivotal in the realm of machine learning. Libraries like TensorFlow, Keras, and Scikit-learn allow developers to create sophisticated ML models with ease.

Roadmap to Learn Python

In the world of programming, several fundamental concepts form the building blocks for creating robust and efficient software. These concepts can be broadly categorized into four main areas, each with its own set of principles and techniques:

Variables, Data Types, and Control Structures:

Variables store data and can be of various types like integers, strings, or booleans. 

Control structures like loops and conditionals enable you to make decisions and repeat actions in your code.

Functions, Modules, and Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Concepts:

  • Functions are reusable blocks of code that perform specific tasks. 
  • Modules allow you to organize code into separate files for better manageability. 
  • OOP principles promote code organization using classes and objects, facilitating code reuse and maintainability.

Advanced Topics:

  • File Handling involves reading and writing data to files on the computer. 
  • Regular Expressions are powerful tools for pattern matching and text manipulation. 
  • Error Handling helps in managing unexpected issues that may arise during program execution.

Specialized Fields:

  • Web Development focuses on building websites and web applications. 
  • Data Science involves data analysis and visualization. 
  • AI (Artificial Intelligence) encompasses machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing

Mastering these concepts is essential for becoming a proficient programmer and opens doors to a wide range of applications in the ever-evolving world of technology.


In conclusion, Python is more than just a programming language; it’s a valuable skill that can elevate your career. Whether you opt for free resources or invest in premium courses like “Python for Everyone,” the potential return on investment is substantial. Embracing Python opens doors to numerous opportunities, making it a wise choice for those looking to advance their professional journey.

Elevate your Python skills with our comprehensive Python for Everyone course. From basics to advanced modules, let’s embark on this coding journey together.


1. What Python program is used for?

Python is versatile. It’s used for web development, data analysis, automation, AI, ML, and more. 

2. What are Python language basics?

Python basics include variables, data types, loops, conditionals, and functions.

3. Can I learn Python in a month?

With dedication, grasping the basics in a month is achievable.

4. Which is better, Java or Python?

Both have their merits. While Java is widely used in enterprise applications, Python is known for its simplicity and versatility.

5. What are the best courses for Python?

“Python for Everyone,” Coursera’s Python Specialization, and Udemy’s Complete Python Bootcamp are among the top choices.

6. What is the cost of a Python course in Bangalore?

The cost varies. While online courses can range from free to a few thousand rupees, offline courses in Bangalore might range from ₹10,000 to ₹50,000, depending on the institute and course duration.

7. Can I study Python in 3 months?

Yes, with consistent effort, you can achieve a solid understanding of Python in 3 months.

8. In which course is Python used?

Python is integral to courses related to web development, data science, AI, and ML.

9. Is it difficult to learn Python?

Python is one of the most beginner-friendly languages, known for its readable syntax.

10. Can I learn Python in 30 days?

While 30 days is a short time, with dedication, you can grasp the basics.

11. How to learn Python in 20 days?

Focus on core concepts, practice daily, and utilize online resources and books.

12. How can I learn Python by myself?

With the plethora of online resources, books, and community forums, self-learning Python has never been easier.

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