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How to Become a Machine Learning Engineer in 2024

Machine learning engineers
IEEE BLP July 12, 2024

How to Become a Machine Learning Engineer in 2024

When it comes to the field of machine learning, becoming a machine learning engineer requires a blend of education, practical experience, and continuous learning.

In 2024, high-performing technologies such as machine learning, IoT, and AI are more prevalent than ever.

Statistics highlight this trend:

  • The global AI market is growing at an annual rate of 37.3% and is predicted to reach $267 billion by 2027.
  • By the end of 2030, AI’s contribution to the global economy is expected to hit $15.7 trillion.

These numbers represent a vast sea of opportunities.

The demand for skilled ML engineers is also growing along with the market. In this guide, we’ll talk about how to become a machine learning engineer and what goes behind the job. Read on!

What Is Machine Learning?

Machine learning refers to a branch of artificial intelligence that enables machines to learn from data, make decisions, and improve their performance without being explicitly programmed.

It involves:

  • Training algorithms to recognize patterns and features in vast amounts of data
  • And then using these algorithms to make predictions or decisions based on new data

The core of machine learning lies in its ability to adapt and learn from previous experiences. This means it can mimic human learning and do it faster and at a much larger scale.

This technology powers many of the services we use today, like:

  • Streaming platform recommendation engines
  • Smartphone voice-activated assistants
  • Medical diagnosis systems
  • Self-driving car navigation
  • Financial fraud detection systems, and more

What Does a Machine Learning Engineer Do?

Developer using laptop to write code sitting at desk with multiple screens parsing algorithm in software agency. Coder working on user interface using portable computer.

A machine learning engineer designs and develops systems that can learn specific directions.

Imagine a role where you teach machines to think and learn on their own—here’s what you’d typically do:

1.  Collect and Preprocess the Data

As a machine learning engineer, you start by gathering raw data. This might come from various sources like databases, online sources, or real-time sensors. Then, you clean and organize this data and change it into a format that’s ready for use.

2.  Model Development

Select algorithms based on the problem at hand, adjust parameters, and test different approaches to develop a robust model. It’s a bit like tuning an instrument before a concert to ensure it produces the right sound.

3.  Feature Engineering

It is about creatively identifying which aspects of the data are most important. You need to transform raw data features into formats that better represent the underlying problem for the predictive models.

4.  Train the Model

Use the preprocessed data to train your model. This will require you to run the data through the model and adjust and optimize as you go to improve performance. It’s a process of teaching the model what to look for and how to make predictions.

5.  Deploy the Model

After training, you deploy the model to a real-world environment where it can start doing the job it was trained for.

6.  Keep Monitoring Continuously

Once the model is deployed, your work isn’t over. You need to monitor it to ensure it performs well over time. This includes updating the model with new data, tweaking it to handle new patterns, or making improvements based on feedback.

Job Outlook for Machine Learning Engineers

Man programmer, software engineer computer coding on laptop, technology icons

The job market is buzzing for those seeking to make a career in machine learning in India.

According to the World Economic Forum, job turnover is expected to increase by 22% over the next five years. And AI and machine learning roles are leading the pack. This is big news for anyone ready to dive into this field.

What does this mean for you?

It’s simple: there’s a massive demand for machine learning skills. Companies across various industries are on the hunt for talents who can help them leverage AI to drive innovation and efficiency. The opportunities to develop cutting-edge solutions are growing by the day as new tech startups are established every day.

So, if you’re considering becoming a machine learning engineer, now’s a great time to start.

How to Become a Good Machine Learning Engineer: A Step-by-Step Roadmap

Ready to start your journey to becoming a machine learning engineer?

Here’s a straightforward, step-by-step roadmap to guide you:

1.  Have Proper Educational Qualifications

First up, you need the right education. You may need a degree in computer science, data science, statistics, or a related field. These programs give you the foundational knowledge in programming, algorithms, and data structures that you’ll need on the job.

Additionally, certified courses, like those offered by IEEE BLP, can also provide targeted training and practical skills to enhance your expertise in machine learning further.

2.  Get Internships

Nothing increases your chances of getting hired by top companies more than great internships on your resume. Internships are a great way to apply what you’ve learned and see firsthand how machine-learning projects are executed in the real world. Plus, they can lead to job offers and valuable connections in the industry.

3.  Learn Key Programming Languages

Here are the key languages you should focus on:

  • Python (with libraries like TensorFlow and PyTorch)
  • R (great for statistical analysis and data visualization)
  • Java (useful for system-level programming)
  • SQL (for managing databases)

4.  Have A Good Grip On Mathematics and Statistics

Brush up on your math and stats. Understanding algorithms requires a solid grasp of linear algebra, calculus, and statistics. These are crucial for designing and training effective machine learning models.

5.  Join Machine Learning Communities

Connecting with others in the field can accelerate your learning and expose you to new ideas. Key platforms include:

  • GitHub
  • Reddit
  • Stack Overflow

6.  Get Hands-On Experience

Engaging in projects enhances your skills and cultivates a portfolio that stands out to prospective employers. Ensure thorough research and prioritize hands-on project development, beginning with straightforward tasks and advancing to more intricate challenges.

This practical experience is invaluable, allowing you to apply your knowledge to real-world scenarios effectively.

Key Skills Required to Become a Machine Learning Engineer

ale Engineer Using Tablet Computer. Interacting with a Robotic Arm Machine, Receiving a Microchip from the Hand.

To thrive as a machine learning engineer, you’ll need a blend of technical and soft skills to implement complex models effectively.

Here’s a rundown of the essential skills you should develop:

  1. Programming Proficiency: Programming proficiency is crucial. You’ll need strong skills in Python, R, or Java to implement and optimize machine learning algorithms efficiently.
  2. Statistical Analysis and Math: A deep understanding of statistics, probability theory, and mathematics is essential. These skills help you interpret data patterns, evaluate model performance, and make data-driven decisions during the model development process.
  3. Data Management: The ability to handle and preprocess large datasets is key. Proficiency in tools like SQL for database management and data cleaning techniques ensures that data is prepared appropriately for training and analysis.
  4. Machine Learning Algorithms: Understanding different machine learning algorithms and how they are used is essential. This includes knowing supervised and unsupervised learning methods, reinforcement learning, and deep learning models. These skills help you choose the best method for different types of problems you encounter.
  5. Software Engineering: Skills in software development practices and tools are necessary for building scalable and maintainable machine learning systems. Understanding version control, testing methodologies, and agile practices ensures robust implementation and integration of machine learning solutions into production environments.

Learning ML through IEEE BLP

IEEE, the biggest technical professional association in the world, is committed to the advancement of technology. Our course structure is broadly accessible, as it is designed to accommodate both new students and those wishing to brush up on or improve their skills.

Our accreditation and widespread recognition can greatly raise your professional reputation. Because of the self-paced structure, you can learn whenever it’s convenient for you and fit your studies around your current obligations.

Here’s a list of things that the IEEE BLP’s machine learning course will teach you:

  • Neural Networks: Explore the basics and applications of neural networks, including Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
  • Machine Learning Algorithms: Understand and apply various algorithms for tasks like NLP, recommender systems, and image analysis
  • Statistical Analysis: Explore regularization and support vector machines, crucial for refining machine learning models
  • Dimension Reduction: Understand unsupervised learning techniques to simplify data without losing key information

In addition, the course provides interactive, real-world learning via tests, assignments, and online learning modules. For those who are serious about entering this rapidly evolving field, IEEE’s machine learning course is an exceptional option due to its unique combination of flexibility, credibility, and hands-on learning.

Wrapping Up

Understanding the delicate balance between bias and variance is vital for acquiring proficiency in machine learning, since it has a direct bearing on the precision and applicability of models.

Whether you work in academia, business, or as a student, machine learning can significantly improve your technological insights and analytical abilities.

To increase your IT abilities, enroll in our machine learning course today!


1.  What qualifications are needed to work as a machine learning engineer?

A degree in a related discipline, such as computer science, proficiency with Python programming, and a firm grasp of machine learning techniques.

2. Is it challenging to work as an ML engineer?

Because of the technical abilities needed, it can be difficult, but with perseverance and the correct tools, it is absolutely possible.

3. What are the steps to becoming a machine learning engineer?

Establish a solid educational basis, work on real-world projects, and make connections with the machine learning community as a starting point.

4. How long does it take to become an engineer in machine learning?

Usually, 4-6 years of formal schooling are required, in addition to extra time for specialization and practical experience.

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